前言: 早前發表過一篇有關 Gustav Klimt 的一章。看來也有不少讀者看過。 其實,我對於十九世紀的 fine art,也略有研究。這個時期的西方繪晝。我也甚是喜歡。以下的文章,就是談論klimt 和他的 succession movement,對世紀末 Modernized Vienna 的藝術風格的影響。
David Leung (theorydavid)
2011-10-30 (published)
前言: 很久沒有寫一些有關 art and painting 的文章。現在特選了Klimt 這位現代畫家,去探討他的成就和他對十九世紀末 Vienna 的藝術現代化的過程和貢獻。他的名句: Modern Man Needs a Modern Face,實在是一針見血的將 modernization 的定義道破。為何藝術風格也要經歷現代化呢? 這篇文章會有解答。希望讀者喜歡這文章。
The Music – Gustav Klimt
前言: 二十一世紀已經開始了,可是,人類的前途如何呢? 我們有很多尖端的科技,但人類如何才能借助他們的發明去造福人類本身。且看看以下十年前寫的一篇短文章。
When doing music anaysis, we tend to label the chords in terms of Roman numerals figure bass symbols on the score. This kind of analysis is often termed tonal structure analysis. we rarely explain how these chords mean in terms of audience perceptions. Recent scholarship on the similar topics seems change. In stead of understanding what tonal elements have been used and how they relates to the tonal structure, we tend to seek the audiable phenomenon in relationship with audience. Simply put, how musical elements, including harmonic features, are used to enhance an effect on aural perception, which engender expressive meaning to listeners. Below is an article discussing about this issue.
Conclusively, as the increasing popularity of the electronic medium and everlasting stride of the
technology itself, Gould believes that, the dominance of Western musical culture will be diminished.
The world will be permeated with diversity of musical cultures, from every corner of the world. All
musical styles are mixed up. A new epoch of electronic age of music is inaugurated. In the
foreseeable future, in this fascinating new time, audience would be the artist, and their life would be
David Leung (theorydavid)
2011-07-01 (published)